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4/20/17 Lake & Fishing Report


Current Lake Level – 605.47
as of 9:30AM 4/20/17

Current Lake Temperature – 66.83
(taken near Cannon Dam)
reported as of 8:00AM 4/20/17

Read Lake and Fishing Reports from the Missouri Department of Conservation, South Fork Resort and Timber Ridge Resort.

From the
Missouri Department of Conservation
(Reported on 4/18/17)

Information: 660-785-2420
Water Level (Range:): normal
Water Type: dingy
Fish Reported:
Crappie: Good

Catfish: Fair
Largemouth Bass: Good

Temperatures are around 53-57 degrees depending on where you are at around the lake; the lake has fallen in the past week to 606.21 which is normal pool level; water is still a little dingy but starting to clear up; crappie are good on jigs and minnows (try black and green jigs); catfish are biting on cut baits and live baits; largemouth bass are good on crankbaits; all other species slow.

(Reported on: 4/18/17)

From the
South Fork Resort Blog
Update 4/21/17, 9:29AM

by Ron

Lake level is 605.2 and water temp is mid 60’s. The lake is MTL clear, in other words you can see about 1 foot down.

CRAPPIE: The males are starting to head to the banks and from what we have seen so far the size is quite good with a lot of 10-12″ fish. Pretty much just work the shorelines looking for any differences in structure and you should be able to find some fish. Because the lake level is lower than what we normally see this time of year a lot of the cover we would fish is high and dry so you will have to find some new cover to fish. If this week is any indicator it should be a very good year, though we all know how quickly that can change. This colder weather right now could even have an effect on the bite. This is the time of year a mnnow under a bobber is a good bet.

BASS: We have heard of some decent largemouth bass this past week. One crappie fisherman caught a 6 pounder while working the bank. Yes, he released it. No word on the white bass yet.

CATFISH: There have been quite a few good blues and flaheads caught this past week so it looks like that bite is well underway. Shad seems to be working well.

NOTES: Turkey season is underway so if you step off the boat to check for mushrooms be very careful. Wear some orange if possible. If not at least make some human noise so someone won’t mistake you for a turkey. Also, we will start doing some food on Friday and Saturday nights. This week will be fried chicken, pulled pork, burgers, and fries. Come join us.

Timber Ridge Resort 
(Reported on 4/21/17)

You may have heard that the crappie are starting to bite at Mark Twain Lake, and you’d have heard right. With the warm, sunny temps earlier this week, spring really came on. Most trees are well on their way to being fully leaved out. Mushrooms are being found and fried. Ticks seem to be in full bloom also. The lake level is 605 today, average temp is 60 to 65. Water is dingy to stained. The crappie seem to be good in pockets all over the lake. The most successful method seems to be, work the bank out, until about 10′ water, in spawning friendly areas (gravel beds, lay downs, and other cover). The cooler weather this weekend will surely back them off a bit, but the bite will improve when the water temp comes back up. Please remember to be patient and courteous at the boat ramp and the fishing hole—we’re all here for the same thing. Have some fun, and enjoy the spring playground!