The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Paris Lions Club have scheduled the Annual Turkey Hunt for disabled persons that will be held at Mark Twain Lake.
The hunt will be held during the 2015 Missouri Spring Turkey season on Saturday, May 2 and Sunday, May 3, 2015 in the Indian Creek Recreation Area. The hunt will be restricted to 20 permanently disabled (non-ambulatory, semi-ambulatory) individuals having a valid 2015 Missouri spring season turkey tag and a hunter safety certification card.
All hunters must comply with the 2015 Missouri Department of Conservation hunting regulations. To insure a safe hunting experience, certain procedures will be in effect throughout the two-day hunt. All hunters will be required to have hunter education. Hunter must stay in blind at all times while in the field. A special permit is required from the Missouri Department of Conservation for the use of a crossbow.
Applications must be received before April 1, 2015, to qualify for the hunt. A drawing to select participants will be held on April 6, 2015 at 1 p.m. at Mark Twain Lake Project Office. Call 573-735-4097 for more information or to get an application.