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Mark Twain Lake Fishing Report – 5/4/18


Read Lake and Fishing Reports from the Missouri Department of Conservation and South Fork Resort.

From the
Missouri Department of Conservation
(Reported on 5/1/18)

Information: 660-785-2420
Water Surface Temp: 54°
Water Level (Range): low
Water Type: dingy

Fish Reported:
Catfish: Good
Largemouth Bass: Fair

Lake level is at 605.86 ft; lake is below normal pool but is starting to warm up; temps are between 52-56 degrees depending on where you are; water is still dingy form the rains and wind we had in the area; catfish are good on shad bait; crappie have started to bite and are good on minnows and light colored jigs; bass are fair on crankbaits and soft plastics; all other species are slow.

From the
South Fork Resort Blog
Update 5/4/18
by Ron

Lake level is 605.7. I did not get Secchi disc readings this week. I will today and post them. Water temp is mid 60’s.

CRAPPIE: They are in full spawn mode so on the banks for the most part. There have been many limits of nice size fish caught. 12″ fish are pretty common. Black/chartreuse, pink/black. blue/white, chartreuse/white, lots of color options but they seem to like the high contrast variety.

BASS: There are quite a few bass mixed in with the crappie. Fish the points. There are also some white bass mixed in with the crappie.

CATFISH: We are starting to see the flatheads come in and some nice blues as well. Shallow water flats seems to be working best. Goldfish or shad seems to be preferred.

NOTES: We are starting our weekend BBQ this Friday, May 4. Come on out.

Photo Courtesy Wilkee’s Crappie Guide Service Facebook Page