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Mark Twain Lake’s Indian Creek Halloween Walk 2020 Cancelled

Mark Twain Lake, August 18, 2020 – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) regretfully announces that the Indian Creek Halloween Walk scheduled for October 16-17, 2020 has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Staff and Public safety are our top priorities, and this cancellation is based on capacity to protect the health, safety and security of the public, our partners and USACE employees. This even typically attracts approximately 9,000 visitors from all over the tri-state region. In this case, maintaining social distancing in a manner that is consistent with CDC guidelines and practices in fighting COVID-19 would not be possible.

Thank you for your patience, cooperation and commitment to maintaining social distancing protocols while enjoying Mark Twain Lake as we work through these unprecedented issues together. Additional information on modifications, closures, openings or other restriction related to USACE facilities at Mark Twain Lake will be announced as these situations are reevaluated. For more information, call the Mark Twain Lake Project Office at 573-735-4097, follow us on Facebook at Mark Twain Lake – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, or email us at