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November Firearms Deer Harvest Ends with 185,000+

Missouri Department of Conservation News Release

MDC reports November firearms deer harvest ends with 185,000-plus

Top harvest counties were Howell, Franklin, and Texas.

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Preliminary data from the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) shows that deer hunters in Missouri harvested 185,066 deer during the November portion of fall firearms deer season, Nov. 12-22. Of the 185,066 deer harvested, 95,383 were antlered bucks, 18,889 were button bucks, and 70,794 were does. Top harvest counties were Howell with 3,910 deer checked, Franklin with 3,738, and Texas with 3,562.

Last year, hunters checked 186,542 deer during the 2015 November portion of firearms deer season with 90,094 being antlered bucks, 20,911 being button bucks, and 75,537 being does.

MDC reported three firearms-related hunting incidents during the fall firearms November portion. Two of the three incidents involved self-inflicted firearm wounds and occurred in Barry and Camden counties. The third involved one hunter in a party in Grundy County wounding another while shooting at a deer.

Deer hunting in Missouri continues with archery deer hunting from Nov. 23 through Jan. 15, firearms late youth portion Nov. 25-27, firearms antlerless portion Dec. 2-4, and firearms alternative methods portion Dec. 24 through Jan. 3.

Learn more about deer hunting from MDC at

Buy Missouri hunting permits from numerous vendors around the state, online at, or through the Conservation Department’s free mobile apps, Mo Hunting and Mo Fishing, available for download through Google Play for Android devices or the App Store for Apple devices.

For current, preliminary harvest totals by season, county, and type of deer, visit the MDC website at For harvest summaries from past years, visit

Missouri offers some of the best deer hunting in the country and deer hunting is an important part of many Missourians’ lives and family traditions. Deer hunting is also an important economic driver in Missouri and gives a $1 billion annual boost to the state and local economies.

deer harvest
Preliminary data from the Missouri Department of Conservation shows that deer hunters in Missouri harvested 185,066 deer during the 2016 November portion of fall firearms deer season, Nov. 12-22.